Hervey Bay Olympic Distance Triathlon to Return in 2011
The Hervey Bay triathlon is back and entries open on November 1, 2010. This iconic Olympic distance triathlon is the perfect opportunity to plan a great holiday in Queensland. If you missed out on a place in Ironman Australia or the half ironman then this is the perfect remedy to make up for these m
The 2XU Hervey Bay Olympic Distance Triathlon is on Sunday 1st May 2011.
Entry fees for 2011 are as follows:
Type: Early Standard Late (shirts if available)
Before 28 Feb. 2011 From 1 March 2011 After April 15th 2011
Individual $100.00 $120.00 $140
Non TA licensed Individual $120.00 $145.00 $165
Team (all members licensed by TA) $130.00 $156.00 $174
Non TA licensed team $150.00 $180.00 $186
All competitors who enter by the 15th of April cut offs will receive a race t-shirt (three per team), electronic timing, swim cap, post race refreshments etc.
Entries will close when field limits are reached. Please be aware that this has been a common occurrence for Olympic Distance races such as this in South East Qld for the past few seasons
To win free accommodation for the event seek out the 2XU Hervey Bay Triathlon crew at an event over summer (starting with Noosa) and get one of our race stickers on to your vehicles “sticker spotters will feed back registration plates and these will be added to the list on the web site with a winner to be chosen on 1st March 2011 and published on the website. Stickers will also be available from race sponsors.
Registration on the Saturday (9am “5pm) is compulsory but bikes may be racked on Sunday morning.
Don’t forget it will be a public holiday in Qld on the Monday so why not stay an extra night and think an ocean swim on Monday morning “keep reading those updates for details.
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