Frequently Asked Questions

I'm new to Trizone. How do I subscribe?

Good question! Click here to learn about our subscription options.

I'm a subscriber. How do I log in?

Go to the website Click on the Sign In button on the top right. Alternately, you can click here. You will be asked to input your email address. After doing so, you will receive an email with a link that allows you to log in. Once signed in, your browser will remember that you are logged in for a long time.

As a subscriber, how do I access my subscriber account?

Once you have clicked here to log in, you can access your account information at any time. Click on the person icon/your avatar on the top right. You can also click here. Any of these options will bring up your account information, which includes details about your account settings, your subscription plan, and whether you are subscribed to our newsletter (meaning you want to receive our posts as emails in your inbox, along with reading them on our website).

How do I change my existing subscription plan?

On your account information page under “Plan,” you can click “Change” to modify your subscription plan from free to paid, change your billing from monthly to annual, or cancel your subscription. On your account information page under Email newsletter, you can add or remove yourself from the newsletter email list. Adding or removing yourself from the newsletter email list does not change your subscription status.

How do turn off automatic subscription renewal?

Monthly subscriptions automatically renew each month. Annual subscriptions automatically renew at the end of the one-year subscription period. Annual subscribers will receive an email notice about that renewal prior to the end of the subscription period. You can turn off automatic subscription renewal at any time by accessing your account and then selecting cancel subscription. Don't worry; once you do so, your subscription benefits will still continue until the end of the subscription period.

How do I customise my email preferences?

You have full control over which and how many emails you receive from us each week. Simply by signing into your account, you can click Manage next to Newsletters. You will be taken to your email preferences page where you will be able to select the kinds of posts you would like to receive from us in your inbox.

How do I comment on a post?

While the general public can read comments, you must be a subscriber who is logged in to leave a comment or reply to others.

What is your comment policy?

We welcome comments — supportive, critical or otherwise — from the community. We do not censor or delete comments except if they contain hateful or abusive content, personal attacks, spam, off-topic statements, or unrelated links. As a general rule of thumb we ask that you don’t be an asshole. If you are a little confused, you can read our Community Guidelines. Those who repeatedly violate this policy will be blocked from commenting.

Can I pitch you a story?

Of course! If you want to send us a tip you can do so by heading over to here. If you are a current or aspiring journalist and want to propose a story to write for us, head over here to learn how to pitch us.

Does your site have RSS support?

Yes! Our main RSS feed is Alternatively, you can type our web address into popular RSS feed readers.

How do I give a gift subscription?

If you wish to give someone a gift subscription, please contact us to make the request.

Can I donate to you beyond my current subscription rate?

So kind of you to ask! You can provide us additional support by donating via our digital tip jar.

How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, go to your account, click on Change under your plan information, and then select Cancel Subscription.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you unsubscribe from the email newsletter on your account information page, or click on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the Trizone email, you will be removed from the newsletter email list but this will not cancel your subscription. You must cancel your plan in the account information page.

Do you have an advertising policy?

We remain a steadfastly independent and reader-supported organisation.