Jodie Stimpson Claims First World Triathlon Series Crown in Kitzbuehel

Jodie Stimpson is a name that should be familiar on the World Triathlon Series (WTS) circuit already, if not it sure will be by now! The humble Brit has just claimed her first WTS title in Kitzbuehel on the weekend, a result that took her almost by complete surprise. A person this result almost cert

Jodie Stimpson Claims First World Triathlon Series Crown in Kitzbuehel

Jodie Stimpson is a name that should be familiar on the World Triathlon Series (WTS) circuit already, if not it sure will be by now! The humble Brit has just claimed her first WTS title in Kitzbuehel on the weekend, a result that took her almost by complete surprise.

A person this result almost certainly didn’t surprise was Jodie’s coach, Australian Darren Smith. Traveling around the globe living out of a suitcase for the majority of the year, Jodie trains under the watchful eye of Darren, of whom she partnered with after the London Olympics last year. Jodie has placed a tremendous amount of trust in Darren to guide her in training, racing, preparation and recovery, and it appears to be paying off!

We caught up with the 24 year old super star to get some insight into her feelings after this major victory and major stepping stone in her young career.

Trizone: Jodie, firstly congratulations on your victory in today’s grueling World Triathlon Series race in Kitzbuehel. Your first World Triathlon Series Title, can you share with us how much this means right now?

Jodie Stimpson: To be honest I still can not believe it when I crossed the line I was like, really? did that just happen I don’t think I have stopped smiling since the race.

TZ: Kitzbuehel has been dubbed one of the world’s toughest triathlon’s by media this week. Would you agree with this? The course certainly looked spectacular!

Jodie: Its for sure one of the toughest out there, the climb is no let up and the run well the downhill hurts just as much as the up so there is no give it that either, obviously I had good legs today and the climbing gods helped me on the last 2k of the climb.

TZ: Did you and coach Darren Smith have any specific race tactics or plans leading into this race?

Jodie: Yeah, but it wasn’t until race morning really when he said if you feel good at half way then let rip, the plan before the race was just wait till 2k to go till the climb which is what I did in the end as I was waiting for the pop but the pop didn’t happen thankfully, but the result was just so unexpected to me.

TZ: Was there any moment yesterday that you thought “yes, I’ve got this?”, or was it not until you crossed the line that you were able to celebrate your win?

Jodie: When I rounded the car on the run leg and started to head toward the hill to climb to the top I was thinking could I do win this? but I didn’t actually think ‘I’ve got this!’ till I crossed the line.

TZ: Following the race did you experience more media commitments as race Champion and did this change how you had to approach your recovery?

Jodie: Not really I had my coach there at the top so even though there was more people wanted to talk to me Darren made sure I had my Power Bar recovery and jogged after the race, I think if it wasn’t for Darren it may not of been as good as recovery as I managed to fit in.

TZ: Speaking of recovery, do you follow any specific recovery techniques in the days following your key races?

Jodie: Not really, I have a great coach who is there with me and know how i am feeling just by looking at me in training so he will train me as he see’s and I suppose that’s when the trust comes in but I trust Darren to get me to the start line in the best shape possible at the time.

TZ: This victory has moved you up a position to second in the 2013 Elite Women ITU World Triathlon Series Rankings! What’s the plan moving forward from Kitzbuehel?

Jodie: I have had a few days with my mum and dad after the race but tomorrow (Monday) I am back in Morzine France to get ready for Hamburg WTS and then I will have a week at home before getting ready again for Stockholm and London.

TZ: Anything else you’d like to share with our readers? Perhaps a specific race tip or some advice for preparing to race?

Jodie: Preparing for a race , well you’ve done the work in training but don’t just think of swim, bike and run think of transitions, knowing the course, nutrition and all the little bits that could make or break your race.

TZ: Congratulations Jodie, you have worked so hard for this moment and here at Trizone Women we are so very proud of you! Enjoy the celebrations, look after yourself and we look forward to following the rest of your season.

Jodie: Thanks for chatting to me 🙂