2011 Christmas Eve Sluggo Triathlon won by Cameron Good
The 2011 Sluggo Triathlon was won by Cameron Good who crossed the bridge to burgle the title from the Shire boys. Good edged out Michael Prince (ITU Age Group World Champion) to take the race with Chris McCormack coming third. There was some dubious handicapping from co-organiser Paul Ambrose. Some
The 2011 Sluggo Triathlon was won by Cameron Good who crossed the bridge to burgle the title from the Shire boys. Good edged out Michael Prince (ITU Age Group World Champion) to take the race with Chris McCormack coming third.
There was some dubious handicapping from co-organiser Paul Ambrose. Some of the earlier starters were swamped early on the bike. Some first timers made the mistake of not cheating, completing the full bike course and paid the price with a larger deficit than should have possibly been the case. The author passed some triathletes on the bike course and again on the run…?
The field had some of NSW quickest hort course triathletes (and some long course guys) with Sam Douglas, Michael Murphy, Michael Fox, Mick Maroney, Rob Hurley, Tim Reed, Alex Reithmeier and many more racing. One of Australia’s leading ironman and 70.3 triathletes Paul Ambrose also raced. The 2010 Ironman Lousiville winner was enjoying the less formal race format.
There were a couple of high profile non starters but it was good to see Tim Reed turn up after a late decision to race.
The course was a 1.2km point to point ocean swim followed by a 26km bike leg to the Whale Watch station at Kurnell and finishing with a 6km beach run.
The ocean was stunning. The water was warm and crystal clear. There was abundant sea life to see while swimming.
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