Pete Jacobs returns to the Lava Fields
Pete Jacobs 2012 Ironman World Champion has touched down in Kona to defend his World title on October 12th . Jacobs added another 1st over the weekend for 2013 to his belt with a strong swim in the 3.8km training swim event that allowed participants to swim the World Championship swim course run by

Pete Jacobs 2012 Ironman World Champion has touched down in Kona to defend his World title on October 12th .
Jacobs added another 1st over the weekend for 2013 to his belt with a strong swim in the 3.8km training swim event that allowed participants to swim the World Championship swim course run by Ironman organizers.
Jacobs completed the 3.8km swim course in 50:54min whilst Jacob’s other half Jaimielle Jacobs was the 1st female across the finish line with a time of 59:43min.
The 150 men and 73 women got a treat with some seeing up to 30 dolphins, and countless marine life.
Via social media Jacobs wrote “won the training swim but more memorable was seeing a pod of dolphins swim underneath”.

Since touching down on the big island on Wednesday 2nd this month Jacobs has managed a few bike sessions, swims and a run along with a number of interviews, and photo shoots. When asked if being the defending champion creates more pressure or just magnifies the party Jacobs replies casually, “No pressure. I am still only focused on my race, and my abilities, no matter what other people say. My expectations are higher than anyone else’s. There is no party until after the race “it’s all business before the race.”
Race week is just that “business. With both Pete Jacobs and Chris Boardman giving their followers a sneak peak to the new and improved Boardman Air TT during race week, along with a few meet and greet sessions at the race expo, and countless media commitments. Jacobs takes it all in his stride, stating, “It’s a great problem to have if you want to call it that, my title allows me to access a broader audience and impart some of my knowledge I’ve learnt over the past 8 years to the younger athletes coming through. It’s (his success) has given me more opportunities which furthers my knowledge in a range of different areas.”
Jacobs is looking forward to race day stating “Ironman is a path to self discovery, seeing where you can take your body mentally and physically, the last to slow down wins.” He also recognizes that being amongst the lava fields gives him strength “something in Kona resonates with me, the lava fields, swimming from the pier each morning, it’s a casual relaxed atmosphere that I feel comfortable in and brings out the best in me.”
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